Back brushing explained:
Back brushing is a term used in exterior paint terminology.
Spray application causes paint to settle on the surface of the substrate you are coating, which is fine when you are spraying a smooth or non-porous surface, like Hardi Plank Siding. However, if the siding is cedar, the spray application is essentially the tool to apply the paint and back brushing provides the “pushing” of the paint into the cracks and crevices to be covered. Industry standard paint film is uniform, complete coverage, no bubbles or pin holes present in the coating.
This method allows for the experienced painter to apply paint in a matter of seconds and a second man to follow with brush and roller to finish the area. This provides more millage than when just spray applied. It is the mil build and superior penetration that gives the back brushed
paint job the longevity over its counterpart of just sprayed.
The first coat is applied and allowed to dry 2 hours or longer, before the final finish coat is applied, per industry standard.
At Painting America, Inc. our knowledgeable and experienced painters know to implement the back brush technique when the substrate calls for it. Back brushing will generally use about 20% more paint than when just sprayed. Further illustrating that more paint is applied to provide up to 18 years of protection.
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