Interior Painting Specialist Consulted
At Painting America, we not only do an excellent job painting your home, we help you pick the right colors before we even get started!
Color consultation will consist of time needed to select colors from fan decks, that are appropriate with your flooring and furnishings, discussion of overall feeling and desired outcome, learning about color and what tints make up a given color, and how to steer away from color that will provide an undesired look; ultimately giving you the confidence to select the best color for your home.
In a second visit, we will provide a small painted wall, to eliminate color contamination of existing wall color, so you can observe the new color in different lighting throughout the day.
You can expect to spend approximately 2 hours on color consult, typically on a Saturday, mid day for optimum lighting. We will need to schedule this 1-2 weeks before our scheduled paint date, followed with a return appointment to apply the paint, one hour is needed.
This process is a $300 value provided for our clients.
If it is needed to revisit color selections and apply a second round of test colors there will be a $75 per hour fee.
For your color consultation, call us today at 425-488-1192!